Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

As I look back to the early years of the 1920s when I attended Southeast Missouri State Teachers College, I am impressed, amazed and pleased at the immense progress the university has made in the succeeding years due, in part, to the initiative and fine management of President Nitzschke at this time.

The proposed plan of President Nitzschke to open a St. Louis office for the purpose of recruiting more students to the university is indeed a broad move. I feel we will profit greatly from the various plans he proposed.

Expanding the computer services to students is a step that will benefit the university.

Furthermore, the intention of keeping Dempster Hall open until 2 a.m. will be a benefit to the students.

Without a doubt, the recruiting of more international students will increase our popularity.

Last, but not least, to introduce specialized training programs to meet the needs of professions and industries is a giant step forward that will certainly encourage further enrollment.

The world keeps moving, and President Nitzschke realize in order to progress we have to keep moving with it. That is exactly what he is doing.

A fresh mind brings fresh ideas. That is what President Nitzschke has: a fresh mind.


Cape Girardeau