Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

The Cape Girardeau Youth Advisory council is a courageous group of young people who have worked to address the problem of underage smoking in our community. To solve this major public health problem, they propose a new municipal ordinance setting annual license fees for the retail sale of tobacco products (and offering the prospect of a lost license to establishments that persist in selling to minors). In addition, the propose a companion provision, making it unlawful for individuals under the age of 18 to purchase, possess or accept receipt of tobacco products.

the latter provision has tirred up quite a controversy. On the one hand, we hear from parents and step-parents extolling teens' "right" to smoke. Moreover, an editorial in the Southeast Missourian salutes the committed young people who have worked to draft the ordinance, yet criticizes them for going "too far." On the other hand, the proponents of this measure and their supporters have remained silent.

The Advisory Council is expected to present its proposed ordinance atht eh City Council chambers this Friday, Feb. 6, at 4 p.m. If a quorum of five members is present, and the Advisory Council so recommends, the maqtter will then be set for a reading before the City Council. I urge our community to stand behind these young people of conviction and attend the meeting to express their support.

JILL VENEZIAN, Prevention Advocate

Committee 2000 Support Center

Cape Girardeau