Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

It has been 25 years this month since the legalization of abortion in this country. For 25 years it has remained a controversial and emotional issue for both sides. I believe that abortion has become the defining issue of our humanity as a nation.

In our midst we find much compassion for the unborn. There are expectant mothers who found the courage, strength and love, in a time of fear and abandonment, to allow their child life outside the womb. There are organizations such as Birthright that provide these mothers with material and moral support. They give these mothers the option of life for their unborn child. The option of life is never discussed by a pro-abortionist. There are the fathers who chose not to run from their responsibility and have accepted the care of their child as an equal partner. They also were there in love and support of their partner. There are the politicians, like our state Sen. Peter Kinder, who risk criticism and scrutiny and stand by their moral convictions. There are those who devote time each day in prayer, asking for forgiveness for what we continue to allow as a nation. There are the outspoken, who boldly voice opposition to abortion and risk being shunned by friends, family and co-workers. There are those in the medical community who expose the reality and truth of abortion.

There are many more who in deed or word bring a measure of humanity to this nation. They have distinguished themselves and our nation through acts of compassion for the most innocent of lives, the unborn.


Cape Girardeau