Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I am very aware of the letters you have received recently about the existence of and belief in God. Undoubtedly, this debate has been going on since the birth of man. This nation was founded on the philosophy that all opinions and views can be expressed, whether absurd or not. I respect that, but I cannot condone opinions that stretch the limits of a reasonable man.

Hope and love are the foundation of happiness in life. That that away, and you are left with a meaningless existence. So I ask your readers to just pause one minute and reflect on their lives. All the flowers and trees and every human being didn't happen by chance.

To not believe goes back to not having hope and love.

Yes, there is a God, and he allows us to make our mistakes and live our lives. There's only one rule that he applies: You have to believe in him and understand those who don't believe and have love in your heart.

Without that, you have nothing.


Villa Ridge, Ill.