Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I am writing on behalf of the Alternative Education Center. This is to all of those who criticize this school and think we should not have it.

You are wrong. If it wasn't for this school, myself and others would be out on the streets doing nothing with our lives and turning into junkies.

This school has also given us the benefit to express ourselves and not get criticized. Also, we get individual counseling. So if we do have a problem we don't walk out because we don't have anyone to talk to.

And we will graduate with a high school diploma, not a GED.

Since the school is a bit smaller, we get a lot more individual attention so we understand better what we are doing.

One more is that some of our students could go back to Central High School, but they choose to stay here.


Alternative Education Center

Cape Girardeau