Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

To say the least, events surrounding the impeachment of Bill Clinton have confounded just about everyone. What is constitutional or not has become moot. Where things are going, or will wind up, is anybody's guess. Perhaps the resolution proposed by U.S. Sen. Robert Byrd for the Senate to dismiss the case may be the best course, even though its possible passage is not considered likely. Separating conviction from removal from office, as has been proposed, would fly in the face of the purpose implied in the impeachment concept. Conviction without removal from office would be as meaningless as censure. Acquittal, which is what Clinton would like, would make a travesty of the stark admission of friend and foe alike of the sorry specter of the whole affair.

Dismissal would realistically state the case. We are at a loss to come to a conclusion. Let it remain in limbo. Let it be remembered that the impeachment of Bill Clinton stands unresolved. Let him bear sort of a mark of Cain. Without his removal from office or resignation, it is a question of his effectiveness to govern. If he does not deserve removal from office, he certainly does not deserve to walk into the future scot-free.


Cape Girardeau