Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

On Nov. 8, the day after the general election, my wife and I were discussing the results. It seemed apparent at the time that George W. Bush had won the presidency in the closest contest in our nation's history. It would be understandable for the Democratic campaign to be deeply disappointed and frustrated. As in a sporting event, I would imagine that losing a close election hurts a lot more than losing in a blowout. I distinctly remember my comment at the time: "We will see what kind of a man Vice President Gore really is by the way he handles this defeat."

I truly be-lieved Gore would do the honorable thing and concede the election after he had lost the state-mandated recount.

Unfortunately, I was wrong. The power of the dark side is strong, as Darth Vader tells his son, Luke Skywalker, in the Star Wars trilogy. Now Gore in his lust for power and personal achievement has so poisoned the political waters that it will be difficult for whoever is finally declared the winner to lead our nation.

Fortunately, our American democracy is resilient, and we will get through this mess. Our democratic process will probably even be strengthened by the voting reforms which are inevitable in the aftermath of this election.

The presidency will survive even if the Democrats and their army of lawyers are somehow able to manufacture enough votes for their candidate to win. If Gore does become our next president, I will continue to respect the office of the presidency, but I will have no respect whatsoever for the occupant.


Cape Girardeau