Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Do we really want the man who will occupy the White house for the next four years to continue the real legacy of Bill Clinton? Al Gore and Joe Lieberman repeatedly promise the wholesale slaughter of tens of thousands of babies if they are elected.

Gore was thrilled when the FDA recently approved the poisonous RU-486 drug. This combination of drugs, one of which was designed to treat ulcers, is so dangerous that the maker of the ulcer drug has distanced itself from the abortion industry's use of that drug for inducing labor in women for the purpose of abortion. The reason is that the drug can cause excessive bleeding and possibly even death to the mother.

Gore promises a rigid pro-abortion litmus test for all judges, thereby locking in abortion on demand for at least another generation. He promises that, as president, "I will make sure that the right is never threatened, never weakened and never taken away." Gore favors federal funding of human embryo stem cell research, using unborn babies as guinea pigs.

He also wants to continue funding, with our tax dollars, pro-abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood, which is responsible for 230,000 abortions every year in this country, and the Population Council, which holds the rights to RU-486 and which already has received almost $100 million from Clinton's administration in the past 3 years.

Gore supports Clinton's veto of the partial-birth abortion ban.

Please don't vote for a man who would sell out his deep personal conviction for political expediency.


Cape Girardeau