Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

As you know, the election for Alexander County state's attorney is nearly upon the voters, as well as many other county positions and the presidential election.

I will focus on the state's attorney race due to the justice system that has been in place for so long in this county. The people forget they owe no one in the system anything. But, because of their vote, the justice system owes them honesty, fairness and true justice.

I am a strong believer in supporting a candidate who is qualified and has goals to improve the law enforcement and give voters an approach in crime prevention.

The find out who will best serve the public is through a debate. This debate would give the voters a chance to look at the background and history of the candidates as officers of the court and their goals if elected.

I also believe it would only be fair to have a Republican and a Democrat to serve on the panel that would ask the questions. That would not be hard to find. If, for some reason, the candidates do not want to debate, then they need to let voters know their concerns on why not.


Cairo, Ill.