Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I am thankful for the quality education I received in the Jackson School District. It was a stepping-stone to a very successful career. Who paid for this education? My family, our neighbors, our friends and many other education-minded people contributed to my future. Now is not the time to break this chain. It is my responsibility to see that this tradition of support continues.

A moving statement was made at a recent Jackson football game addressing the question of prayer. The quiet respect showed a purpose and unity of the community. Let us as a community make a statement for educational support.

No school district is perfect. Each has its own problems. We have an administration, board of education and school staff that want quality education. Let's support them in their desire to improve the junior high school and not have our children in harm's way. We must provide a safe educational environment for our children and grandchildren. Don't break the chain of success we are so well-known for in Jackson.


Jackson, Mo.