Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I am writing in regard to the movement of the Veterans Memorial in North County Park. Needless to say, I am not a veteran. However, I am an American, and interested party and a resident of Cape Girardeau and Cape Girardeau County for more than 30 years.

Whether I am leaving or returning to Cape, when I pass the Veterans Memorial, my spirits are lifted. The memorial is especially beautiful at night with the breeze blowing the big flag and the spotlight shining on it. What an awesome and moving sight.

The idea of moving this beautiful memorial from its present setting is totally unreasonable and unsatisfactory.

Putting a nature center so close to the park entrance where many cars and buses will be going in and out and parking near the busy highway entrance seems unsafe. There is plenty of land area in the park near or beyond the present conservation center and back farther in the park. This area seems much more adaptable and appropriate for the children and all who visit.

Many park planners have the good sense to locate these nature centers back away from the main entrances so that there is plenty of room to grow and park buses and cars and for people to move about.

I believe our commissioners and architects need to take another look at the possibilities. Perhaps they could make a better choice that would be more agreeable and accepted by the majority of the people.

I am still living under the impression that we live in a democratic society and that the will of the people might be more appropriate here than the commissioners' votes.

Leave the Veterans Memorial where it is.


Cape Girardeau