Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I always find Gary Rust's items in the Missourian interesting. However, his April 13 column made an impact and stayed with me.

First, never before have I realized what an asset Teen Challenge is to our city and of what remarkable value it has proven to be. I am proud of the honor given Teen Challenge at the banquet on its 30th anniversary. No amount of credit could exceed this truly dedicated and fine organization. I am proud of the manner Jack Smart carried out the evening with dignity, taste and Christian respect to the 600 in attendance. His very subtle approach gave warmth to the many alumni attending as well as a change of heart. My sincere gratitude goes out to the entire Teen Challenge program for the many kinds deeds performed and for the patience, kindness and willingness Teen Challenge always shows.

Secondly, the speech given at a fund-raising dinner at Chush School that caters to children with disabilities by a father whose son attended the school was one of the finest yet in proving what faith in God can do in turning one's life around. The audience was left in complete awe of the perfection God can perform. Let's say he works in mysterious ways.


Cape Girardeau