Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

Twenty-two years ago I moved to California. During that time I witnessed some incredible growth in both Los Angeles and San Francisco. During that same period I watched school bond issue after issue go down in defeat.

It affected me most when my kids became part of the school system. Outdated equipment, concrete playgrounds and class sizes of 33 to 35 students per teacher were a direct result of the defeated issues. Californians were living very much in the present and not planning for the future and now suffer because of it.

Eight months ago I moved my family back to Jackson. A big reason was because of the schools. I can't tell you what a thrill it was when we enrolled our kids at South Elementary where they had manageable class sizes, a cafeteria, new library, gym, and music and art rooms things we had never experienced before.

I can honestly say since school started our children have not had a bad day, due in part to the foresight people had years ago in approving the new schools.

With Jackson continuing to grow, it appears improvements and new schools are still needed. For today's children and the ones to come, please continue the foresight you have shown in the past and vote in support of our schools. It helps all of us.

