Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

The latest news is President Bush is backing off exempting religious entities from discrimination when accepting federal dollars. I am shocked that churches should receive federal money, let alone discriminate.

I would like to know from churches why discrimination against persons with disabilities is occurring? SEMO Alliance for Disability Independence has received numerous complaints from individuals with disabilities that they are refused bringing a service dog in unless they are blind. Service dogs are used by persons to alert them of seizures, help retrieve items, pull wheelchairs and a great many other uses. Individuals with seizure disorders are told to sit in the back of the church in case of a seizure because it would make the congregation uncomfortable.

I am deeply disturbed that the president would have to force Christian compliance of loving one another as God loved them.

It appears many churches cannot go out on faith but must look to the government in the quest to help others. What would Jesus have said regarding the fishes and the loaves to feed the multitude? Christians must live by a higher standard than manmade laws.

The Americans With Disabilities Act exists because man did not do what he is morally obligated to do: treat every human being as he wants to be treated. When Christianity fails, government will replace the Good Book.



Executive Director

SEMO Alliance for Disability Independence

Cape Girardeau