Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Each year more than 450,000 babies are born too soon, some so small they're the size of a dollar bill. Many of these babies will have to fight for life. And many who survive may have lifelong health problems like blindness and other disabilities.

But they're not alone, because the March of Dimes is there to help them win their fight. You can help too by joining WalkAmerica, the walk that has been saving babies for more than 30 years. Funds raised in WalkAmerica support not just lifesaving research, but also innovative programs to find ways to prevent premature birth and other problems that jeopardize babies' lives.

March of Dimes research grantees follow the full standards set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Institute of Health for ethical and humane treatment to protect the welfare of animal subjects, including using alternatives whenever possible.

Locally, the March of Dimes has funded over $52,000 in educational and community programs to carry out its mission of giving every baby the healthy start in life that it deserves. These programs, conducted by local hospitals, health departments and agencies reach out to women and families to educate them on prenatal and pregnancy care as well as lifestyle decisions that can promote healthy birth outcomes.

I urge you to join me in WalkAmerica being held in Cape Girardeau County on Saturday. It's the nation's first and best-loved walking event. Be a hero for the tiniest babies.



Cape Girardeau County WalkAmerica

Cape Girardeau