Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

Does the Cape Girardeau Board of Education know that at Central High School discipline is down, attendance is up and our school spirit is at one of its all-time highs? Have the board members heard that Randie Fidler, the principal, is fair and that he supports his faculty and staff's good judgment decisions always, or that no other administrator I have worked for has had an open-door policy that works like Mr. Fidler's? I know of no one who has not been welcomed through his door in his or her time of need. Do they know that Mr. Fidler is never too busy? Mr. Fidler never turns away a phone call or drop-in when he is at his desk. Do they know that Mr. Fidler has never missed a day of work for illness or for that matter for anything but work or that Mr. Fidler is a hands-on principal, whatever is your problem is his, or how excited he was when the bids for the new high school came in? Did they know he called an early morning faculty meeting and we all toasted with sparking white grape juice, that Mr. Fidler is honest, thoughtful, stubborn, generous, caring, dedicated, passionate, professional and has more integrity than 10 people, or that I am prejudiced and biased when it comes to Mr. Fidler? You bet I am. Wouldn't you if you knew what I knew? But, then, the board members didn't ask. I wish they had.


Administrative Assistant

Central High School

Cape Girardeau