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Missouri should do all it can to make it easier for citizens to register and to vote. If elected Secretary of State, I will do everything in my power to increase voter registration and turnout, and to bring about positive changes in the area of election administration.

As Secretary of State, I will be responsible for the coordination and oversight of elections in Missouri. I have served as the chief elections official in Pettis County for the past ten years. That has given me the qualifications, experience and drive to effectively serve Missourians through the office of Secretary of State.

Voter Registration

Recently, the League of Women Voters ranked Missouri among the bottom 12 states in terms of method of voter registration. If I am elected, I will work to move Missouri to the top of the list. I believe we would see a dramatic increase in voter turnout in many elections if we will just make registration and voting more convenient for Missourians.

I am a strong proponent of "same day" registration and greater use of voting by mail. I believe these changes could have a big impact on the elections process. Missouri has reported voter turnout as low as 30 percent for some elections, while Kansas has reported voter turnout up to 90 percent when voting by mail is used.

Proposed same day registration would allow Missourians to register on election day at one central location, where master files are kept. The local election authority could then verify citizenship and issue a registration card.

Improving voter turnout

In this great democracy of ours, we must reverse the trend of low voter turnout, and I think changes like these would help. Other states have implemented same day registration and voting by mail with success. If I'm elected Secretary of State, these two issues will be among my top priorities.

I want to lead the effort to not only implement same day registration and voting by mail, but to follow that up with a real push to increase voter turnout at the polls as well. The right to vote is fundamental. It must be protected, it must by encouraged, it must be exercised if we are to remain the world's greatest democratic nation.

Elections experience

Currently I serve as County Clerk in Pettis County. I am also the only candidate with direct elections administration experience. My office has won praise from the Secretary of State's office for increasing voter registration and turnout in Pettis County. If I am elected Secretary of State, I will bring my experience and success as County Clerk to my state office and continue my record of effective service in Missouri.