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When one thinks of a school booster club, support of sports activities immediately comes to mind. But not so at Cape Girardeau Central High School. The Central High School Booster Club, formed some seven years ago, offers financial and other support to all activities, from football to Scholar Bowl competition and other academic endeavors.

That's as it should be at the high-school level. In fact, the Cape Girardeau Board of Education insisted when the club was formed that it support all activities, not just sports. And its organizers agreed.

Yet the organization is still trying to shake the false image among some Central High parents that it is a booster club strictly for sports.

Jim Stovall, the club's president, estimates that among its 185 members, fewer than 10 percent are parents of students who are not involved in sports. He and others are trying to increase the number of non-sports parents in the club, which serves a student enrollment of 980. They're trying to get the word out that non-sports parents are welcome.

Over the last couple of years, the club actually has spent more money on academic events than for athletic events. The club strives to spend money throughout the student body. This has been accomplished by sending students to Scholar Bowls, statewide academic competitions, pompon contests, choir contests, providing buses for students to attend out-of-town games, and providing two scholarships open to all students. The club hopes to start two more scholarships soon.

The club has purchased equipment for the weight-lifting room, used not only by student athletes but by physical-education students as well.

As Stovall explained, the club tries to provide the extras that a sponsor doesn't have in the budget, or, if there is no budget for a particular activity, the club tries to help.

Since the booster club was formed, it has coordinated the spring all-school recognition banquet, which formerly was held strictly for athletes. Now, anyone who qualifies for a state event -- be it a sport, academic event or music -- is honored at the banquet.

This past summer the club sponsored a welcome-back-to-school swimming party that was attended by approximately 200 students. Businesses donated money to defray costs of the party, which is scheduled to become an annual event.

The booster club meets at 7 p.m. the second Monday of each month in the activity center of St. Andrew Lutheran Church. The meetings and membership are open to anyone.

If you're a parent of a Central High student, a Central graduate, or a resident of the school district who is looking for a way to help out, consider becoming part of the school's booster club. The students are deserving of your support.