

This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

Speaking on behalf of the staff of the Southeast Missourian, I'd like to tell you about some good news. We're starting a new newspaper -- like no other newspaper you've probably seen before -- that's going to be chock full of only the good news you want us to put in it.

The idea originated as we assessed all the positive happenings that take place in this area that we sometimes don't have space to fit in the daily newspaper.

One particular kind of item we hope you will share with us is a photograph or short story about the people or groups who have donated to a cause with which you work. In the daily paper, we set a minimum donation level of $1,000 before we will shoot a picture for publication. This limit, while necessary, unfortunately does not allow us to recognize many people who do so much in smaller ways -- like the donation of handmade shelves to a school, a personal computer to a needy charity, or a check for $200 to a civic organization.

But the good news we're seeking needn't be something so formal as a donation. We're looking for upbeat information of all kinds.

Whether it's your son, daughter or grandchild who has passed a special training course with flying colors, or a relative who has come to visit from their home far away, or if you have a picture of the prize fish caught last time out on the lake, or just a happy story or kind happening that took place here, we hope you will let us know about it so that we can pass your good news on to the rest of the community.

You see (especially if you've never sent anything to a newspaper before) we want to hear from you! No matter how big or small the event is, we think people would like to celebrate good times with you!

The only requirements we ask is that the information you give us be legibly handwritten or typed, that you check the spelling of names you aren't sure of, and that you include your name, address and telephone number. If you give us a photograph, write your name, address and telephone number on the back so that we can make sure to run it with the right information.

We don't ask that the photographs you give us be black or white or anything special. Just pick out the best one, send it our way, and look for it when this new newspaper comes out.

When is this going to happen?


So soon that we hope you have plenty of good news you can share with us right now!

The first edition is scheduled for March 29. So if you have something good to share, you will need to get it to us by March 22. Truth is, though, that the earlier you can bring or send your material in, the easier you'll make life for us in putting this newspaper together.

I haven't told you what the name of this newspaper will be? If you haven't guessed already, we plan to call it "Good News," because that's what it's all about.

So send your material to: Good News, c/o Southeast Missourian, P.O. Box 699, Cape Girardeau, MO 63702-0699.

Or drop it by our office in Jackson at 104 S. Hope Street, or at 301 Broadway in Cape Girardeau. You can even drop your photographs or snippets of information off at the Scott County Signal offices in Chaffee -- just be sure you make it clear that you want your good news to go to Good News.

We're planning to do four Good News newspapers this year, which means if you don't make it to us this time, there'll be another. But we hope you don't wait.

Any questions? Call the Southeast Missourian Speak Out number, 334-5111 and we'll answer them for you. Or call our Good News information coordinator, Joel Vinson, at 335-6611.

Some people say we're getting too big city around here. And you know, they might be right. Once was people in this area knew everything that went on with their neighbors -- now that's not so easy.

We think Good News is a way we can all come together and be neighbors again. To laugh over and celebrate the good things in our lives.

Why don't you join us -- and write today!