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Dexter is one of five regional offices of the Missouri Department of Economic Development that will open soon. The Dexter office will serve all of Southeast Missouri. The five regional offices, which were pushed by Gov. Carnahan, are in addition to the main office in Jefferson City where most folks involved in economic development around the state have had a good working relationship.

At the same time, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is shutting down more than a thousand offices across the nation. Included are five Farm Service Agency (formerly the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service) offices in Southeast Missouri.

Taxpayers are clamoring for reduced government spending, but the open here-close there pattern sends a mixed signal. The USDA closings are expected to save $3.6 billion nationwide over the next five years. Without a clamor for additional economic development offices, Missouri is budgeting for and adding questionable expense.

No wonder taxpaying voters are a little riled up.