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A world without volunteers is like a world without sunshine. Every day thousands and thousands of Americans do something extra for someone else. These helping hands don't receive pay for their efforts, and most of them never get any glory either.

For a few shining moments last week several Cape Girardeau volunteers had the spotlight cast on them for their selfless work on behalf of the community at large. The Cape Girardeau Area Wide United Way and Ameritech gave special recognition to some of the top volunteers in town.

The American Red Cross Blood Services was honored as the top volunteer organization for coordinating blood drives, organizing canteen refreshments, recruiting workers and donors and obtaining sponsorships. In the past year blood drives have increases significantly to 88 from 25. There were 5,354 units of blood collected as a result.

Several individuals were recognized: Jeff Crader, Jeffrey Krantz, John "Doc" Yallaly and Opal Perkins.

These folks found time to donate hundreds of hours to worthy projects and causes that make the community a better place to live.

One theme among the honored volunteers was a philosophy that says giving is good and part of their lives. "I love to help others" was repeated over and over.

There are, of course many volunteers who strive to give to others whatever they can contribute throughout the year. Why do they do it? The mountaineer said he climbed mountains because they were there. Volunteers give their time and talent because there always is a need.

Without volunteers, the world would be a colder and less pleasant place. Because there are so many folks who just jump in and do what needs to be done, the world is better by far.

To all who volunteer: Thank you.