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A special committee that has been reviewing the Cape Girardeau city charter has, after months of deliberation, proposed several amendments that the panel believes will strengthen the charter and generally improve city government.

The committee's recommendations have been presented to the city council, which plans to review the suggestions during its annual retreat this month.

In preliminary discussions during the council meeting where the charter recommendations were presented, several good questions have been raised. A more in-depth review no doubt will raise even more good questions.

This is part of the refining process that any recommendations as important as those regarding the city charter should go through. In the end, any changes in the charter will be up to voters, who need all the information that can be derived from careful consideration.

It will be up the council to decide which, if any, of the amendments will go on a ballot. There is concern, of course, about the timing of a vote on charter amendments, particularly in light of the possibility of a sales tax vote later this year (see above editorial).

One thing to consider is how the amendments might be placed on the ballot. It would be better if voters could decide on each proposal separately rather than make a choice on the whole package. That way some good proposals might pass muster with the voters, while other less-important revisions might fall by the wayside.