

This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

Today is Veterans Day, even though a lot of government workers celebrated Friday by taking a day off.

It behooves us to get up early and, instead of picking up our dust mops and rakes or even the television remote like on most Saturdays, get to one of the events planned to honor the men and women who made this country what it is.

Without them, we wouldn't have the opportunity to figure out who our next president will be, much less have the privilege of voting for whichever candidate we want.

So go to Capaha Park in Cape Girardeau at 11 a.m. today to honor our veterans.

Or stand on High Street in Jackson at 2 p.m. today and watch some of our veterans march by. Smile and wave and let them know that, even though you didn't experience the horrors of war, you realize they did.

And that you love them for it.