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Part of the concern over how the current economy is affecting revenue for city government in Cape Girardeau is the impact retail sales are having on sales-tax collections and on the city's Transportation Trust Fund, which gets its revenue from a special half-cent sales tax.

If retail sales slump, so does the money available for major street projects. One of those projects is the widening of a short stretch of Mount Auburn Road between William Street and Independence Street. Current plans call for the street to be widened but to remain four lanes. But as long as that stretch is going to be torn up and motorists are going to be inconvenienced, wouldn't it make sense to go ahead and add a center turn lane as well?

The city is asking bidders to consider both four-lane and five-lane options. That's a step in the right direction. Another good step would be to settle on the five-lane plan even if it means holding up on the project until adequate funding is available.