Letter to the Editor

Rescind 'world gag rule'

As one of his first acts in office, Trump signed an Executive Order to reinstate and significantly expand the "world gag rule." This rule withholds U.S. aid from a global Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) that provides or discusses the option of abortion when providing family planning services to women and girls.

Trump says this action makes very clear that he's a pro-life president, but once again rhetoric is at odds with reality.

When the "world gag rule" is in effect, the rate of abortion goes up, not down. The gag rule also increases the number of maternal deaths caused by unsafe abortions and the number of unintended pregnancies caused by reduced access to birth control.

Trump's expansion of the gag rule from family planning aid to all U.S. global health aid will harm international efforts to prevent and treat malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Zika and other serious health concerns. This is because an increasing number of NGO's will forego needed U.S. aid funds rather than accept restraints on how they may spend their own private funds and carry out their mission.

The majority of adults in the U.S. do not support the "world gag rule" just as they do not support cutting off government funds to all Planned Parenthood clinics.

To help women and girls, to support professional and dedicated international health care workers, and to reduce abortions, ask members of Congress to rescind the "world gag rule."

Janet M. Smith, Oak Ridge, Missouri