
Summertime safety tips for enjoying the outdoors

Summer is a great time to get out and enjoy the sunshine that's been hiding all winter. Picnics, ballgames, days at the pool and other opportunities to gather with friends and family make for great memories. Taking a little extra time for some simple safety precautions will help free your mind of worry so you can enjoy your activity.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend several steps to keep children safe, but many apply to adults as well:

Water safety

* Always supervise children in or around water.

* Teach children to swim.

* Learn CPR.

* Install a four-sided fence around pools at home.

* Wear a life jacket while boating.

Heat safety

* Never leave your infant, child or pet in a parked car, even with the windows cracked.

* Dress in loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing.

* Schedule outdoor activities for morning and evening, avoiding the hottest part of the day.

* Stay cool with showers or baths.

* Cover up and wear sunscreen with at least SPF 15 and both UVA and UVB protection.

* Lastly, learn the symptoms of heat-related illnesses so you can recognize when someone may have had too much.

In addition to heat and water safety, the CDC recommends using a good insect repellent, checking for ticks and employing safety equipment, such as helmets, when applicable.

Don't let the summer heat chase you indoors. Get out there and have a great, safe summer.
