Letter to the Editor

Long-term care ombudsman

October is National Long-Term Care Residents' Rights Month, a time to acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices many long-term care (LTC) residents have made to better our community and to call attention to the rights of residents in long-term care facilities. This year's theme -- CARE Matters -- was selected to call attention to the fact that residents of LTC facilities deserve quality care.

During Residents' Rights Month, we recognize our local long-term care Ombudsman staff and volunteers, who work daily to promote residents' rights, assist residents with complaints and provide information to those who need to find a long-term care facility. In this area the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program serves 18 counties and 161 long-term care facilities.

By listening to residents' voices, we honor their lives and experiences and treat them with dignity and respect. Staff and residents can enjoy relationships that enhance their day-to-day lives, and the long-term care facility can operate more effectively in its daily activities when based on and developed with consumer involvement. Many people care about residents -- family members, resident advocates, Ombudsmen Volunteers, facility staff and others. This care can be truly individualized and focused on each person's needs and preferences.

Celebrate and acknowledge these rights by participating in Residents' Rights Month events and calling on your elected officials and local facilities to show your support by attending or organizing activities.

If you would like to learn more about the Ombudsman Program or become a volunteer, contact Jan McFerron, Ombudsman Director, at (573) 335-3331 or (800) 392-8771.

Emily Sparzynski, Cape Girardeau