Letter to the Editor

Climate debate has merit

Alan Journet's letters are interesting and thought-provoking. Passionate debate on important subjects has great merit, reflects appropriately on our diverse Cape Girardeau-area population and is appropriate in our own local clear-air concerns.

First of all, columnist David Limbaugh does not deny climate change. And it's interesting that Mr. Journet does not mention global warming anywhere in his piece. A concession maybe?

And the OISM Petition Project has been around for years, initiated just after the Kyoto gathering of politicians some 10 years ago declared greenhouse gases would result in human-caused global warming. Politicians have been trying to marry science up with politics ever since to justify the horrible cap-and-trade monster that is oozing through Congress as we speak. Unfortunately, a few decades of satellite readings and mathematical computer models just can't explain thousands of years of Planet Earth behavior, let along predict the future. There is no true science on this matter. Like Mr. Journet claims, "it doesn't exist." Just true politics.

Follow the money, the winners and losers. Let's see now: Skeptical Malarkey vs. Waxman-Markey. No, it's too easy. Let the debate continue.

RANDY R. DUNN, Oak Ridge