Letter to the Editor

Obama beholden to big backers

For the first time in history, the U.S. presidency has been bought and paid for by liberal media. ACORN, Moveon.org and George Soros gave candidate Barack Obama a war chest of over $170 million -- an unheard of amount in politics until now. With 10 times the exposure in both TV and print media, the public was swamped. Repetitive messages are proven successful tactics.

With a 10-1 cash advantage, it was not a surprise that Obama was a winner. Combined with his outstanding speechmaking ability, he was unbeatable.

Sen. John McCain, fine war hero with a good record in Congress, was no match for Obama's money and speechmaking ability. It's water over the dam, but Gov. Mike Huckabee or Gov. Mitt Romney possibly had a better chance of competing with Obama.

For our country's sake we can only hope and pray that Obama, with on-the-job training, is capable of running an effective government. I hope his Cabinet picks, in spite of their records of not paying taxes until the chips were down, can guide us through these uncertain financial times.

We can only hope Obama is not successful in getting his socialistic health care plan through. We know from Canada, France and elsewhere that one-size-fits-all health care is not desirable. That's why Canadians come to the U.S. for treatment.

Obama's leaning toward socialism to please his financial backers scares me. I like choosing my own doctor.

CLIFF RUDESILL, Cape Girardeau