Letter to the Editor

Time to reject Bush's ideology

To the editor:

For George Bush, political ideology always trumps evidence and reason.

He has consistently suppressed scientific consensus when this denies his ideology. Appointments to scientific panels that advise the government on critical issues pertaining to human and environmental health and national defense, he ignores candidates with expertise, credentials, and reputations in favor of political allies who pass his ideological litmus test.

In the environment, he rejects the advice of experts to follow recommendations of corporate polluters who subscribe to his ideology -- even when faced with the reality that these corporations have track records and convictions for pollution.

His economic policy ignores expert advice that his tax-cuts would turn a huge budget surplus into a record budget deficit because his ideology demands lower taxes.

Finally, of course, there is Iraq. He consistently ignored all the intelligence telling him Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, was not involved in 9-11 and was not in cahoots with Al Qaeda because his ideology demanded the opposite be true and that we attack Iraq. He also ignored the advice that the invasion would promote terrorism not reduce it.

What ideology? Bush serves wealthy Americans and U.S. corporations, throwing a few crumbs our way to buy us off. Now Americans are fighting, killing and dying in an unjustified and unjustifiable war for U.S. corporate profits. He is neither supporting nor honoring our troops. We must reject this ideology and take our country back.

EMMA L. FRANKLIN, Cape Girardeau