Letter to the Editor

Stop rewarding poor performance

To the editor:

To our legislators in Washington, D.C. Why haven't any of you ever become concerned about the way taxpayers are being robbed?

Example: Freddie Mac's Franklin Raines couldn't account for $9 billion and was punished by being given $20 million severance pay plus $1.9 million per year in retirement pay. This is all taxpayers' money. The government doesn't have money until they take it from the people.

I have not heard even one politician criticize this. Have you? Evidently this is so common the politicians don't care or ever notice. And they say they represent you.

Why haven't our so-called congressional politicians passed laws to prevent this and to punish the inept people who can't perform their jobs in an efficient manner? Instead of being given outrageous rewards, they should be stripped of all retirement benefits and never allowed to work for the government again.

Everyone in Congress is responsible. Political party doesn't matter. Why aren't they the ones who expose the injustices instead of the media? If there are payoff?

BUDDY PARRISH, Cape Girardeau