Letter to the Editor

Headline was too sensational

To the editor:Yellow journalism is a pejorative reference to journalism that features scandal-mongering, sensationalism, jingoism or other unethical or unprofessional practices by news-media organizations or journalists. It has been loosely defined as "not quite libel." This is from Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia.

On Nov. 19 Your paper printed a story with bold, closed-in-quote words "RELATIVELY CLEAN" printed 3/4-inch-high print. These are the only words some will remember. It implies that the levels of lead found were unacceptable and that the containment efforts were not enough.

I enjoy your paper. I read it daily. I just wish your reporting would stay away from sensationalizing the news. The information is important, but it is not necessary to push it in a direction.

Report on the government, MoDOT, Doe Run, ethanol and other items of interest, but stop favoring the print.

We can digest the information on our own without spice.

BRYAN MILLER, Thebes, Ill.