Letter to the Editor

No need to wait for emergency to cut spending

To the editor:

The news article "Three area armories cut in Missouri National Guard restructuring" is a microcosmic demonstration of how those serving in government routinely exercise (or fail to exercise) their duty when spending the people's money. No action was taken until the state auditor pointed out to the Missouri National Guard that $33 million could be saved.

As a Missouri taxpayer, I have to question why the Missouri National Guard bureaucracy couldn't figure this out themselves. Their weak response ("... in view of the current state financial challenges, such solutions may now be more feasible") troubles me. Guess what? These cuts were feasible whether the state was broke or not. We can buy a lot of school textbooks with $33 million.

I sincerely hope State Auditor Claire McCaskill continues the fight to save the state more money by putting the heat on state and local bureaucracies. Her practical attitude towards the people's money is the exception, not the rule, for a politician. I will cross party lines to vote her in as governor.

