Letter to the Editor

Cairo council isn't responsive to the citizens

To the editor:

I cannot understand why Cairo taxpayers are asked to fund two pension systems for elected city officials. They are required by law to be enrolled in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, but they are not required to contribute to the labor union pension system.

Also, the new appropriation ordinance for fiscal year 2004 indicates the cost of the union pension contributions increased to $18,000 from $2,500 the previous year.

The residents of Cairo are to be commended for trying to take their city back, but I fear they have a long way to go until there is fair, open and legal city government. As long as five council members stand together in opposition to change, the city will continue on its downward spiral. It is time for the law-abiding citizens of Cairo to inform the five council members to get on with the city's business or get out of the way.


Cairo, Ill.