Letter to the Editor

America-bashing from academia getting tiresome

To the editor:

The degree of animosity among members of the losing party in our last presidential election is truly remarkable. References in a recent letter cited war-mongering, global domination, serving corporate America and arrogant and self-righteous talking with God. These tired mantras from the 1960s may still hold meaning for academia but resonate far less with many who have grown up. America-bashing has become tiresome and tedious and clearly provides little meaningful discourse for solutions.

Have we indeed made enormous environmental and social improvements in the past 40 years? Only the most politically biased individual would argue no. Can we still improve? Of course.

Can it also be that arrogance and self-righteousness are equated with asking for guidance from God? At no point has this president said he receives advice directly from God. Perhaps all of us could benefit by humbling ourselves and asking for God's guidance.

How can anyone argue that the Iraqis are not better off without the likes of Saddam Hussein and his sons? What vicious humans they were. In the liberal mindset, the ends always justify the means. Each life is precious, be it American or Iraqi. Left-wingers reserve this for those who agree with their ideology.


Sikeston, Mo.