Letter to the Editor

Saving our sons should be priority

To the editor:

Mark Bliss should write a second part to his report on the achievement gap between boys and girls. One strong theme in Michael Gurian's "The Minds of Boys: Saving Our Sons From Failing in School and Life" is the role parents -- not just educators -- play in saving our sons. For example, he suggests mothers and fathers create parent-led teams. These teams of relatives, neighbors, friends, co-workers, coaches and clergy can help meet the needs of boys. This is particularly vital in single-parent homes. Though not a boy, I was raised in a single-parent home. My mother's wisdom to become active at church and enroll me in its small parochial school was her way of ensuring a team guided me in the right path. This was just her way. There are many others.

The other implication for this parent-led team idea is we are all responsible for saving our sons. We know parents who need help. We know boys who would benefit if we teamed with their parents. We know children who need extra help, attention and love. Everyone has something to share: a movie, a meal, a love for music or a talent in mechanics.

I encourage Mark Bliss, parents, and the rest of us to explore how saving our sons can be a priority for us all.