Letter to the Editor

Taxpayers must be vigilant about the TIF proposal

To the editor:

I agree with Cord Dombrowski. The TIF commission and the city council should get off center and move on this issue. Dombrowski still has not answered all the questions the school board asked. Will he have all the answers for the TIF commission and city council?

Taxpayers, remember that this TIF project would put a burden of raised taxes on you in the future, if passed. The city would have to maintain all the new infrastructure and not receive any funds from the development for the years that the TIF would be enforced -- approximately 20 to 23 years.

It now is up to the TIF commission, city council and the taxpayers to decide. Taxpayers should express their concerns to the TIF commission and the city council members by writing , phoning and or attending the meetings. Taxpayers must be vigilant on this issue, or they will wish they had.


Cape Girardeau