Letter to the Editor

Fond memories spark journey to return home

To the editor:

I recall the childhood I so loved, when all seemed good in the world, in the bootheel of Missouri where summers scorched your skin and winters seemed a little magical -- to a child anyway. I suddenly understand why my father loves and respects his home so.

I think of days gone by, friendships still lingering despite my absence and a way of life that can only truly be appreciated when it is no more.

And I think, "Do they know the riches of their lives? Do they see the red maples in their dreams as I do? Do they really know the significance of the juicy red tomatoes that grow in their gardens? Do they realize the gift in the sticky peach juice that runs down the arm upon savoring the very first bite?"

We all know the saying, "There's no place like home." My journey home starts today -- perhaps not physically just yet, but it has begun nevertheless.

I understand now a little something about my dad, the way he gets emotional when yet another old barn is torn down or a big department store takes the place of a hometown market that served us all so well. I see now why saying "Howdy" to a regular at the gas station is so comforting. Most of all, I understand why the saying "Home is where the heart is" rings so true.

Soon I will join my heart back home somewhere in Southeast Missouri.


Lakeland, Fla.