Letter to the Editor

Balancing budget with school cuts is bad for future

To the editor:

I have been hearing all weekend about Gov. Bob Holden wanting to balance the Missouri budget. I am all for a balanced budget, but how does he figure on doing this? By taking money from our schools. That will hurt our kids in the future, and they will be put further behind later in life when a good education is needed in the job market. I can see a job applicant saying, "No, I didn't graduate because my governor cut our education taxes."

If Holden wants to raise some revenue, how about taking some of the money from the politicians? How about we speak up against this man wanting to take funds from our kids and tell him to take money out of his pocket and all of the other politicians in the state? I really want my money's worth out of politicians. So it is either time for them to get a major pay cut or we get a lot better representation.

