Letter to the Editor


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Open letter to the citizens of the Meadow Heights R-II School District:

As a former teacher of the Meadow Heights School District, I read with interest the article about the tax proposal for the Meadow Heights School District.

Since it is my understanding that I was the first full-time art teacher hired by the district over 20 years ago, I was greatly disturbed to read of the possible cut to the fine arts program if the proposal does not pass.

I understand the need of districts to cut corners due to the financial problems they currently face, but to eliminate a program completely would be a great disservice for those who currently benefit from it and for the future of the students to follow.

I recall when I began my teaching career at Meadow Heights and how happy one elderly lady had been since a full time teacher of art would be coming to the area. She told of how she had been a member of the school board years before and how she and others had worked to establish a high school for the area. When a new high school building had been built she saw progress again being made. So when an art program was established she felt even more progress was being made. To see the art program eliminated at this time would be a step backwards for those who worked for progress so long ago.

Although I am no longer teaching and do not reside in the Meadow Heights district, I still have an interest in education and art in particular and would hope the citizens of the area of Meadow Heights School District consider the harm this cut would bring. The area does not have many cultural activities at its disposal and to cut one exposure that the students do have, would be a great disservice. Not everyone is musically inclined and this cut would result in music being the only other art activity left to the students in the district.

I am not trying to influence how the Meadow Heights citizens vote in the upcoming election, but I do address those responsible for the possible cuts and sincerely hope they reconsider the idea of eliminating the fine arts program of the district.

Margaret Ostendorf

Cape Girardeau