Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I am writing this letter to whoever believes the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and that the framers of the Constitution were God-fearing, God-loving men. I'm writing to those of you who believe that the Constitution is a document that has lasted so long because God had a hand in its creation.

This letter is a rejection of the idea that a woman has the right to choose to terminate a pregnancy (kill a living human being).I will do this by using the Constitution as my basis for argument.

Abortion is currently legal and taking over 1.5 million lives away per year. It has take over 32 million lives away since the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision. Abortion is legal because the Supreme Court says that a woman has a right to privacy over her own body. The Supreme Court has no constitutional basis for this decision and has no reason to even be questioning the issue. You may be asking, What is this guy talking about? I will address the reasons for my statements in this letter.

The Fifth Amendment of the Constitution is very clear on this subject. It states, "No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law." Life is defined by Webster's dictionary as "that property of plants and animals (ending at death and distinguishing them from inorganic matter) which makes it possible for them to take in food, get energy from food, grow, etc." According to the definition, an embryo is alive because it is able to take in food from the mother, get energy from that food and grow while in the womb of the mother. The scientific world says that man is a kind of an animal. Due to this definition and simple logic and caring, life begins at conception. Since human life begins at conception and the Fifth Amendment says that no person shall be deprived of life without due process of law, then abortion is illegal. Opponents of life may say that the Fifth Amendment says liberty or freedom for the woman, who was born, is then deprived if she is not allowed her choice. This argument is, of course, absurd to many thinking people, because those thinking people know the framers of the Constitution were very clear that with freedom comes responsibility. In other words, we are free to do as we please as long as we do not deny others their rights in the process of pursuing ours. Taken even more literally, the mother's right to choose does not supersede or come before the unborn child's right to life or to be born. These are also call unalienable rights, which cannot be taken away by a government. The woman, in most cases, made her choice or exerted her freedom when she had sex. This statement is not meant to take the responsibility from the man, but rather is used to show when the choice is made by an individual. The Constitution, therefore, prohibits abortion on demand.

Another question may then arise: Does a woman have the right to abort when her own life will be (not might be) in danger? You must decide who's life is more important, the mother or the baby. The woman shouldn't be deprived of life, but neither should the child. In the rare cases of pregnancy resulting from rape where the woman had no choice in her current condition, she was deprived of liberty. Should the child be denied due process and life? Do two wrongs make a right or do two evils make a good? These last two issues are the only true areas of controversy for most of the population.

Due to the education and information level of our society, most people are knowledgeable about biological terms like embryo, fetus, zygote and abortion. The knowledge of these terms has detracted from making a baby in the womb seem real or alive. If we call a baby a fetus, then we don't think of taking its life as murder. Or if we call a medical procedure abortion, then it's not murder, it's simply abortion. Many of you may recall how shocked the country was when Charles Manson's groups cut a baby out of the body of actress Sharon Tate in the early 1970s. Now we simply allow a doctor to do that in a clinical setting. I hope some of you see how indoctrinated you have become by simple terminology. We have taken a murderous act and made it into a medical procedure. I thought the Hippocratic Oath was to preserve life, not take it.

For those of you who still believe abortion on demand at any time for any reason is OK and lawful and who believe the federal government can choose to uphold this killing, this read the 10th Amendment: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." The issue of abortion (murder) is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution specifically, except the Fifth Amendment as stated previously as depriving life. If abortion is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution, then the 10th Amendment says very clearly that this is to be referred to the state legislatures or to the people of this country. The Supreme Court then has no jurisdiction over this subject or issue.

I only ask of the readers of this paper to ponder on what you've read. If it makes even a little sense, discuss it with your neighbors and friends or call your legislators. If you believe abortion is wrong at all, you must help to right this evil. If you believe that the state must make the decision or the people should choose, then call your congressman and ask for a constitutional amendment to say that. Millions of unborn children die every year, and over 30 million have died due to our own mothers (to use the term loosely). If these was a disease, we would be doing everything we could to stop it with money and resources. I don't claim to have all the answers on this subject, but God has shown me through his word right from wrong. Check your heart -- what is right and what is wrong -- and then go from there with action. If you believe that abortion is between a woman and God, then why is there a doctor in the picture to do this? If you still believe abortion is right and good, then you are part of the moral problem in this country. If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

