Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Whatever happened to Thanksgiving? What happened to turkeys and pilgrims? I remember when I was a little girl my class preparing for Thanksgiving by making little table centerpieces out of construction paper, glue and imagination. We would dress up and tell the story of Thanksgiving. Now Thanksgiving gets run over by the Christmas rush. It's left smoking in the sleigh exhaust.

There are so many different views about the celebration of Christmas. People argue its origin, its meaning and its tradition. But we as a society are quick to commercialize it. Whatever its origin, meaning and tradition, Christmas loses its meaning at the checkout lines.

At least Thanksgiving, as far as any proud American is concerned, is about being thankful. It is a tradition that everyone understands. Thanksgiving's meaning cannot be misconstrued by any religion, culture or lifestyle. It carries the same message no matter who celebrates it.

Thanksgiving is for people who are thankful they are alive, well and able to share a meal with one another as a symbol of prosperity, progress and blessing. The message can't be any clearer than that. I believe Thanksgiving is probably the most important holiday there is for Americans. Please quit treating it like the hump holiday, and give it some respect.


Cape Girardeau