Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

If the group Scenic Missouri gets its way, Missouri employers may lose much of their ability to use outdoor advertising and on-premise signage. Associated Industries of Missouri has announced its opposition to this effort and has joined an organization called STOP Taking our Property to combat this ballot initiative on the November ballot.

The proponents of this initiative, known as Proposition A, have cleverly worded the petition to hide their true intention: banning outdoor advertising that is vital to the state's tourism industry. This effort would specifically harm small businesses, accounting for 70 percent of all outdoor advertising. These proponents want to prohibit any new outdoor advertising billboards and require existing billboards to be downsized or removed. This proposal would damage the state's economy and could cost the state millions of dollars in the form of compensation for existing billboards.

This proposal would increase the authority of any city, county or local zoning authority to regulate outdoor advertising and prohibit the removal of trees and vegetation on public right-of-way, except for improving aesthetic and environmental value or to eliminate safety hazards. The fiscal impact of this proposal is listed as "unknown."

AIM believes this ballot measure is unnecessary due to legislation passed in 1999 which reduces the maximum size of a sign from 1,200 square feet to 800 square feet, prohibits the construction of stacked displays, regulates where billboards are permitted and mandates billboards to be space a minimum of 500 feet apart.

AIM urges opposition to this costly attempt to prevent em-ployers from successfully advertising their goods and services through outdoor advertising.



Associated Industries

of Missouri

Jefferson City, Mo.