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Most residents of Cape Girardeau and Jackson were probably surprised to learn that they live in "dreamtowns."

But that is how they are described by Demographics Daily, an Internet newsletter. Its Web site listed the cities as dreamtowns among 139 others based on surveys of 632 cities with populations of 10,000 to 50,000 across the country.

Cape Girardeau, which ranked 37th overall, earned its highest marks in support for schools, low cost of living and access to health care. Jackson, which ranked 78th, earned its highest marks in the areas of access to health care, connection to the cultural mainstream and vitality.

The recognition doesn't mean much other than to tell those who happen across Demographics Daily's Internet site that Cape Girardeau and Jackson are good places to live.

Most of us who live in one of the two communities already knew that, but it's nice to be reminded.