- Consider a motion approving Change Order No. 1, in the amount of $23,043.00, to Lappe Cement Finishing, Inc., of Friedheim, Missouri, relative to the Roundabout Project at East Main Street and Shawnee Boulevard
- Consider a motion to set a public hearing for Monday, August 17, 2020, to consider a request for the rezoning of all of the property addressed as 2705 Hilltop Drive within the city limits, except the 0.2 acres already zoned C-2 (General Commercial District), from R-2 (Single-Family Residential) District to C-2 (General Commercial) District, as submitted by Wicks Properties, LLC.C.
- Consider a Bill proposing an Ordinance amending the "Fifteen Minute, One Hour, and Two Hour Parking Limit Schedule -- Schedule XVIII", by repealing and adding desig-nations on North Missouri Street
- Consider a Bill proposing an Ordinance amending the "Handicapped Parking Desig-nated Schedule -- Schedule XVII", by repealing and adding designations on North Mis-souri Street
Information items
- Reports by mayor
- Reports by council members
- Reports by city attorney
- Reports by city administrator
- Discussion of future items
Executive session
- Motion to have executive session. Litigation, personnel and purchase of property. Authority is Section 610.021 and 610.022, Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended.
Discussion items
1) Mid-Year Employee Health Insurance Report -- Mr. Todd Obergoenner / Swinford & Associates
2) P & Z Packet
3) 2020 Concrete Pavement Improvement Program
4) Assessed valuations for 2020
5) Discussion of previously tabled items
6) Additional items - not specified