Jackson Board of Aldermen
City hall
101 Court St.
Regular meeting, 6 p.m. today
- Approval of minutes of regular meeting of 6/5/17
- Financial affairs
- City collector's report
- City clerk's and treasurer's reports
Action items
- Power and Light Committee
- Consider a motion to accept the 2016 City of Jackson Audit Report, as prepared by Beussink, Hey, Roe and Stroder LLC.
- Consider a motion approving Task Order Authorization No. 17-13, in the amount of $20,000, to Allen & Hoshall of Memphis, Tennessee, relative to providing engineering services under the Old Cape Road East Electric Line Extension, Phase Two.
- Street Committee
- Consider a motion authorizing the sale of intoxicating liquor, malt liquor (beer) and non-intoxicating beer at the Homecomers Celebration on July 28 and 29, as submitted by the Jackson Elks Lodge No. 2652
- Consider a motion to set a public hearing for 6 p.m. July 17 to consider amendments to Chapter 65 of the City Code regarding off-site directional signage
- Non-agenda citizen input
Information Items
- Reports by mayor
- Reports by council members
- Reports by city attorney
- Reports by city administrator
Discussion of future agenda items
- Executive session
- Motion to have executive session. Litigation, personnel and purchase of property. Authority is Section 610.021 and 610.022, Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended.
Study session, 6:20 p.m. today
Discussion items
- Jackson Community Survey final report -- Jason Morado/ETC Institute
- Retail Market Analysis progress report -- Jason Claunch/Catalyst Commercial Inc.
- West Main Street Diamond Grinding Project
- Planning and zoning packet
- Discussion of previously tabled items
- Agenda items for 7/3/17 (pending board approval)
A) Motion accepting the final report of the Jackson Community Survey, as submitted by ETC Institute
- Additional items -- not specified