Jackson Board of Aldermen
6 p.m. today
City Hall
101 Court St.
Approval of minutes
- Minutes of regular meeting of 12/2/19
Financial affairs
- City collector's report
- City clerk's and treasurer's reports
Action items
Power, Light and Water Committee
- Consider a motion approving the 2020 City of Jackson solid waste, sewer, water and electric utility service rate schedule
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance approving the 2020 City of Jackson annual budget
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance approving the 2020 City of Jackson Employee Compensation Plan
- Consider a motion accepting the bid of Power Line Consultants LLC of Farmington, Missouri, in the amount of $25,382.80, relative to the Electric Transmission/Distribution Line Relocation Project at Center Junction
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with Power Line Consultants LLC, relative to the Electric Transmission/Distribution Line Relocation Project at Center Junction
- Consider a motion rejecting the bid of ArcaSearch Corp. of Cold Spring, Minnesota, relative to the City Archive Preservation Project, due to the bid exceeding the city's budgeted amount
Street, Sewer and Cemetery Committee
- Consider a motion to set a public hearing for 6 p.m. Jan. 6 to consider a special-use permit request for a temporary mobile medical office, in a C-2 (general commercial) district, at 2130 E. Jackson Blvd., as submitted by Saint Francis Medical Center
- Consider a motion accepting the Jackson City-Wide Bridge Plan, as prepared by Smith & Company Engineers of Poplar Bluff, Missouri, under the Missouri Department of Transportation's Bridge Engineering Assistance Program
- Consider a motion accepting the bid of Jokerst Inc. of Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, in the amount of $189,994, relative to the South Old Orchard Road Water System Interconnection Project
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with Jokerst Inc., relative to the South Old Orchard Road Water System Interconnection Project
- Consider a motion accepting the bid of Metro-Ag Waste Injection Systems Inc. of Breese, Illinois, in the amount of 0.069 cents per gallon, relative to the 2020 Biosolids Disposal Program
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with Metro-Ag Waste Injection Systems Inc., relative to the 2020 Biosolids Disposal Program
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance amending Chapter 57 of the Code of Ordinances, relative to enabling limited access land development
Information items
- Reports by mayor
- Reports by council members
- Reports by city attorney
- Reports by city administrator
- Discussion of future items
Executive session
- Motion to have executive session. Litigation, personnel and purchase of property. Authority is Section 610.021 and 610.022, Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended.
Discussion items
1) Charter city — update
2) 2020 Census Regional Marketing Program — proposals
3) Updated hours of operation at the Jackson Civic Center
4) P&Z packet
5) Discussion of previously tabled items
6) Additional items — not specified