Power and Light Committee
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance authorizing an agreement with Elaine J. Illers relative to the placement of a "Welcome to Jackson" sign.
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with Allen & Hoshall of Memphis, Tenn., relative to the design of the power plant substation.
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with Horner & Shifrin Inc., of St. Louis relative to the design of the Circuit #7 Upgrade.
- Consider a motion authorizing contribution of $3,000 for the annual Fourth of July fireworks display.
- Consider a motion approving final payment of $45,972.63 to Monroe Plumbing & Heating Co. Inc. under the Old Toll Road Lift Station Upgrade Contract.
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with the Jackson R-2 School District relative to a Fiber Optic Cable Licensing Agreement.
Street Committee
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance approving the rezoning of all the property addressed as 2080 E. Main St. from R-2 to R-3 (general residential).
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance approving a special use permit for the establishment and operation of a professional office in an R-3 district at 2080 E. Main St.
- Consider a motion to reconsider the vote of June 5 relative to invoking Section 29-25(10) of the City Code and considering the rezoning of both sides of E. Main Street to R-3 beginning at the current line of the R-3 district boundary (or approximately 400 feet east of the Shawnee Boulevard centerline) and proceeding in an easterly direction to the east line of the applicant's property at a depth of 270 feet from the centerline of East Main Street.
- Consider a motion to invoke Section 29-25(10) of the City Code giving official notice that the Board of Aldermen is considering the rezoning of both sides of East Main Street to R-3 beginning at the current line of the R-3 district boundary (or approximately 400 feet east of the Shawnee Boulevard centerline) and proceeding in an easterly direction to the east line of the applicant's property at a depth of 270 feet from the centerline of East Main Street.
- Consider at motion approving the application for an original package liquor license for Food Giant Supermarkets, Inc., dba Food Giant #75 at 528 W. Main St.
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance establishing the official City of Jackson Street Improvement Policy.
- Consider a motion to set a public hearing for Monday, July 17, at 7:30 p.m. to consider the rezoning of approximately 5.3 acres of property situated along North High Street from R-2 to C-2 as submitted by Farris Nabors.
- Consider a motion to set a public hearing for Monday, July 17, to consider the rezoning of 15.9 acres of property from R-2 to C-2 and a special use permit for 16.8 acres of property at 1600 N. High St. for the establishment and operation of a golf course in an R-2 district as submitted by Ronald Clark.
- Consider a motion to set a public hearing for Monday, July 17, at 7:30 p.m. to consider the rezoning of all the property addressed as 504 W. Jackson Blvd. from I-1 (light industrial) to C-2 as submitted by Philip Penzel.
Executive Session
- Motion to have executive session to discuss litigation, personnel and purchase of property.