Cape Girardeau County Commission
Administrative Office Building
1 Barton Square, Jackson
9 a.m. Thursday
Open session
- Approval of minutes of Oct. 20
- Communications/reports -- other elected officials
Public comments
Routine business
- Purchase orders
- Payroll change forms
- Public Service Commission order
- Postage report
- Bank reconciliation
- Statement of monthly collections
- Closed session minutes -- open record regarding real estate -- Amerigan Legion Hall lot
- Ameren Missouri tree trimming project
Appointments and possible action items
Action items
- Approve closed session minutes from meeting held Oct. 6 regarding real estate
- Approve fiscal year 2015 holidays for county employees
Discussion and possible action
- Purchase of tractor/mower for highway department
Discussion and possible action -- county advisory boards
Public comments
- Items not listed on the agenda
Executive session
Pertinent address
1 Barton Square, Jackson, Mo.