Appointments and possible action item
- Doug Mueller with WE Walker-Lakenan Insurance on renewal of property, inland marine, commercial crime and terrorism, and earthquake insurance
- Eric McGowen, IT Department will request to issue a request for proposal for Phase III of new telephone system
Action items
- Appoint Larry Dowdy by proxy to represent Cape Girardeau County at the annual meeting of the Landowners of the Little River Drainage District
- Letter of recommendation from Sheriff John Jordan on award request for proposal for inmate telephone system, video visitation system, automated phone information system and inmate email system for the Cape Girardeau County Sheriff's Department
- Recommendation to approve advertising for bids on multiplate structures from the highway department
Discussion and possible action -- county advisory boards
Public comments
- Items listed on the agenda
Executive session
Pertinent address
1 Barton square, Jackson, Mo.